What to Delegate?

100+ Tasks You Can Delegate

I asked my Assistant Sarah to come up with a list of 100+ tasks she’s done for me. Too often Entrepreneurs LOVE the idea of a great Assistant, but then get stumped when it comes to actually delegating. Pretty tough to have an Assistant take over the bottom-80% of your workload, AND babysit those 317 […]


7 Steps to Email Freedom

Email is a massive drain on productivity for Entrepreneurs.  It’s time to fight back! Below I share how I’ve cracked the code and now enjoy phenomenal email freedom. I’ve helped other entrepreneurs do the same, including a few famous guys including Andrew Warner, founder of Mixergy.com: “Tim finally solved my email inbox. I’ve tried everything […]


360 Delegation

There’s two things I hate more than anything in business: waste and entitlement. Keep reading and you’ll discover one of the most powerful tools ever created to dramatically reduce wasted time, energy, and money. (And – oddly – hear about Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner?) This tool works in any business, any industry, any […]